Elvis Presley gibt Trinkgeld (Happy Birthday, Elvis!)

Elvis 1957, Foto: wikimedia commons

Heute wäre Elvis Presley 75 Jahre alt geworden. Darum zur Feier des Tages die ergreifende (Lebens)-Geschichte der Kellnerin Dora, die 1957 vom King einen nagelneuen Cadillac als Trinkgeld erhalten haben soll. Die amerikanische Band Wall of Voodoo besang diesen Elvis-Mythos auf ihrem 1987er Album Happy Planet. Nach Ausagen der Band beruht der Text auf Doras eigenen Worten und Erzählungen der Nachbarn. Doras Haus und Elvis Cadillac mussten später einem Gebrauchtwagen-Handel weichen, dabei verlor sich Doras Spur. Die Band suchte Dora noch jahrelang und rief damals auch ihre Fans auf, sich an der Suche zu beteiligen. Ohne Erfolg. Wall of Voodoo lösten sich 1989 auf.

Elvis Bought Dora A Cadillac

by Wall of Voodoo

It was 1957, Evlis Presley came in the
Spanish restaurant where Dora was working.
Dora took the order, bussed the plates,
poured the coffee as the party ate.
Col. Tom paid the check and Elvis Presley
left the tip, a brand new Cadillac….

And the Gods I loved were poor white trash.
One was making wine in Canaan, the other
tipping waitresses Cadillacs…

Twenty years later when Elvis died she parked
the Caddy in the drive. With plaster statues,
lights, and stands she called her front yard
PRESLEY LAND. She said he was just a poor man’s
son who never forgot where he’d come.
Now that he is dead and gone she shares
her gift with everyone….

And the Gods I loved were poor white trash.
One was making wine in Canaan, the other
tipping waitresses Cadillacs…

The landlord had all he could stand.
Better cash was close at hand.
The land, the land, the land was in demand.
„Down the way they’re selling German cars.
British clothes to movie stars.
We can kick the Spanish out for good,
rejuvenate the neighborhood. I’m the laughing
stock of all my friends, with that crazy old
woman and her Presley Land…“

When she was left with nothing, she said
„They sold my house, can’t get it back,
could hardly raise the cash if I sold
my Cadillac…even if I could do that.“

And the Gods I loved were poor white trash.
One was making wine in Canaan, the other
tipping waitresses Cadillacs…

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